That God's truth may be proclaimed and made known to the nations. Grace and Peace. Amen.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Kingdom Coming pt 3: Creative Servants
Looking through Matthew in a section recommended from a holy week study I came across the parable of the Talents. This passage caused me a little uneasiness. I hope it is to make circumspect and call me to action for Christ, and not my own fear motivating me.
In this passage Jesus tells the of three servants who are given (according to their abilities). Talents are units of reckoning in NT times, (weight in OT times (so says my study bible)) when calculated are about 20 years wages.
Well the Master hands em out and we see that two return on their talents, using them in a way to be gainful. One hides his and gives back the amount given, no increase, no work done. He has wasted his time and talent.
Lazy, wasteful and poor stewardship are what labels await this slothful servant (vs 26 ESV).
Now for the introspection. I have felt like this servant. Watchful and fearful that God will strike me down if I try too much! I’m now afraid I don’t do enough!? Well maybe I should have a little less say in the matter. Prayerful consideration of the gifts and talents God has given us is an important step in using them. It is wise to do so. But don’t rest on them. Do not put them in the ground, or use them for your own devices.
Creatively pressing on with the gifts God has given you is the only fulfillment to be had. Sort of a peaceful pacing or restful rush can be accompanied by being fueled by the God given creative activity of our hearts and minds. Whether you work with software, inmates or paperclip suppliers there is a way for you to use your talents. Maybe you run a race for technology in the classroom or bake for the inmates. Turn your paperclips into triangles for info-graphics on triperspectivalism (all in good humor fellow seminarians). Our situation is guided by the Almighty imprint on us. As individuals we must pray for awareness and to forget ourselves. The King is returning and He wants to say “well done, good and faithful servant” (Vs 23 ESV). Be creative and be intentional. Do not be afraid.
Grace and Peace.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Holy Week 2013: Parts 1 & 2
In accents clear and still,
Above the storms of passion,
The murmurs of self-will!
Oh, speak to re-assure me,
To hasten or control!
Oh, speak, and make me listen,
Thou guardian of my soul!- O Jesus, I have promised.
Holy week: King(dom)
Come, pt 1:
“You have to know these things when you’re
Jesus’ mission on
earth was to bring an awareness of the Kingdom of God (Mk 1:15). His ministry
on earth ushered in the dawn of the Kingdom and his Kingly office. However, the
first two offices of Prophet and Priest paved the way for the acknowledgment of
his Kinghood.
Matthew 22
Jesus claims his
Kinghood to the teachers and leaders looking to catch him and sentence him to
death. He does it by providing solid, king answers to the very bitter questions
of the leaders. He even knows what they are doing. By the end Jesus also gives
them fuel for their fire.
Mt 15-22
Jesus says to pay
Caesar what’s owed him, and give to God what is God’s. Jesus was not
instigating a political coup, which would have made it easy for them to arrest
him on the spot. Instead he answered to the heart of the matter. Every ruler is
put in place by God and should be revered and acknowledged as such. In
addition, God will deal with them accordingly. All reverence, honor, and glory
belong to Him.
In 23-33
Jesus answers the question about
marriage and who is whose in the kingdom.
He doesn’t get
caught here by giving an incestuously positive response. But he removes all of
the fire by saying there is no marriage beyond this earth and God is not a God
of the dead. Asking the wrong questions it seems will get you a clearer answer
than you may want. You may be shown what you have previously thought you have
known, is wrong.
In 34-40
Jesus reminds us of
our duties as citizens in the kingdom.
Jesus succinctly
quotes the Shema from Deut 6:5. For the second like it, in Lev. 19:19 we see to
love our neighbor as ourselves. He is not tripped up by there inquiry as this
is the very life of his ministry. They again find no fault with him.
Jesus gives the
teachers what they were after by way of questioning them. The teachers agree
the son of David will be the Christ. However, how will David call him “Lord”
Jesus asks?
The Christ is the
eternal King, sovereign and only one to rule over the earth justly. The
teachers have no questions after Jesus lands this one home.
In Matthew 23 Jesus
rebukes the leaders for being haughty, know it all self righteous tyrants. They
have tied up all their beliefs in the wrong objects (holding to the law only,
wealth, false teaching, hypocrisy, etc). The leaders for all their conniving
have themselves open as books to be put on display by this wise King. His
lament over the city of Jerusalem in 37-39 underlines his authority in all three
Jesus as a
servant-king paved the way for his people to follow him. We suffer, are short
listed, ridiculed and cut down for the Kingdom to come.
King(dom) Coming
part 2: John 12:17-50
presents himself here with unprecedented wisdom and humility. This is shortly
after Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead and many people went out to see him.
Following Jesus we learn is not just about following his followers. We are
directed to follow Jesus directly. So far prior to holy week, that means things
like being concerned for God’s Kingdom on earth the poor, sick and lonely.
Following Jesus does not get us a pass on the dirty work. It assures us that
the dirty work is necessary and ever present. The dirty work is gospel work.
When it sucks, that is probably right where you should be. It was pleasnt for
Jesus to die, but necessary: vs 27
Now my soul is deeply troubled. Should I pray, ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But this is the very reason I came! 28 Father, bring glory to your name.
death is the catalyst for new life. Comparing it to a kernel of wheat that
dies, then is buried and sprouts a field for harvest-we get a small glimpse of
the supernatural in the natural of the elements of Jesus’ life. He alone dies
that death so that many more may have life in God by believing that Christ is
King, he is Lord.
to Jesus from our vantage point we see him lighting our way in a very dark
world. It just does not get any clearer than what he says to the people, and to
‘Jesus shouted to the crowds, “If you trust me, you are trusting not only me, but also God who sent me. 45 For when you see me, you are seeing the one who sent me. 46 I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark. 47 I will not judge those who hear me but don’t obey me, for I have come to save the world and not to judge it. 48 But all who reject me and my message will be judged on the day of judgment by the truth I have spoken. 49 I don’t speak on my own authority. The 50 And I know his commands lead to eternal life; so I say whatever the Father tells me to say.”’
Jesus brings stability and clarity to our world, relationships,
internal and external perception. He illumines the truth of God in a world that
despises it. It keeps us assured of our faith along the trials and heartbreaks
of the world. He also will have the last say as King. What will he say to us?
To you?
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