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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Kingdom Coming pt 3: Creative Servants

Looking through Matthew in a section recommended from a holy week study I came across the parable of the Talents. This passage caused me a little uneasiness. I hope it is to make circumspect and call me to action for Christ, and not my own fear motivating me. 
In this passage Jesus tells the of three servants who are given (according to their abilities). Talents are units of reckoning in NT times, (weight in OT times (so says my study bible)) when calculated are about 20 years wages. 
Well the Master hands em out and we see that two return on their talents, using them in a way to be gainful. One hides his and gives back the amount given, no increase, no work done. He has wasted his time and talent. 
Lazy, wasteful and poor stewardship are what labels await this slothful servant (vs 26 ESV). 
Now for the introspection. I have felt like this servant. Watchful and fearful that God will strike me down if I try too much! I’m now afraid I don’t do enough!? Well maybe I should have a little less say in the matter. Prayerful consideration of the gifts and talents God has given us is an important step in using them. It is wise to do so. But don’t rest on them. Do not put them in the ground, or use them for your own devices. 
Creatively pressing on with the gifts God has given you is the only fulfillment to be had. Sort of a peaceful pacing or restful rush can be accompanied by being fueled by the God given creative activity of our hearts and minds. Whether you work with software, inmates or paperclip suppliers there is a way for you to use your talents. Maybe you run a race for technology in the classroom or bake for the inmates. Turn your paperclips into triangles for info-graphics on triperspectivalism (all in good humor fellow seminarians). Our situation is guided by the Almighty imprint on us. As individuals we must pray for awareness and to forget ourselves. The King is returning and He wants to say “well done, good and faithful servant” (Vs 23 ESV). Be creative and be intentional. Do not be afraid. 
Grace and Peace.

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